The Benefits of Home Staging 

Defining Home Staging

You may hear your Realtor suggest home staging in order to increase its chances on the market. Before you brush off the idea and assume you don’t need it, you should understand what it is and how you can benefit from it. Home staging is more than decluttering and depersonalizing your home, it’s when you hire professionals to reinvent the living space for new potential buyers. Home staging professionals know how to lay out a home in an optimized way and in most cases work with the furniture and accessories that you have. Small adjustments can sometimes have a huge impact!

Let your home appeal to buyers

Your home is perfect to your taste and everyday life but it may not have the same impact on buyers. Keep in mind that we often showcase our “stuff” in our home but when it’s time to list, we want to showcase the home not the things that don’t come with it. Our homes are filled with memories that may mean a lot to us but may distract the buyer and make it difficult for them to picture themselves in the space. A home stager will help create a blank canvas for buyers by eliminating that distraction. Don’t take it personally if your stager asks you to remove personal items; understand the reason why!

Better Photos

Looks mean a whole lot in real estate and if buyers can’t picture themselves living in your home then they won’t go out of their way to present an offer. Home staging not only tweaks the design but also the atmosphere, this affects lighting and space in a momentous way, which makes for better photos. You want to hook the buyers’ interest with those elegant shots and make them want to pay your place a visit. Remember most buyers start their search online so you want those photos to stand out.

Justifying a Solid List Price

Appearances will also affect the list price for your home. Think of it this way, by home staging, you’re improving the quality of your home and could lead to making great revenue. According to statistics, home staging can decrease the time on market of a home by 30-50% and deliver a selling price that is 6-20% higher than a home that is vacant or not properly staged. It’s a win, win option that should definitely be considered.

The benefits of home staging outweigh the costs and it has become more and more common in recent years. To ensure that you home is competitively positioned in the market, this is a very important step. Ask your Realtors for a referral to an amazing stager and you won’t regret it.